Npreparedness 101 zombie pandemic pdf

The other four asset classes also require attention to ensure full preparedness for a pandemic event. First, a pandemic in public health terms is defined as. A pharmacistss guide to pandemic preparedness staying informed. The zombie survival guide created such a social media buzz that it crashed the poor cdcs website. Zombie pandemic, a free resource that helps younger readers understand the importance of being prepared for an emergency, and also offers a preparedness checklist.

Effective practices in promoting disaster preparedness thursday, september 6, 2012 3. How to survive a pandemic the world is not ready, are you. Zombies gone viral case studies in strategic communication. Preparing for a zombie attack, or other fictional disasters, can provide useful tips to get prepared for a real disaster. Doctors in long spooky masks and flowing black robes visited homes but could do. This is a graphic novella published by the centers for disease control and prevention which portrays a fictionalized situation in which there is an ou. These checklists are intended to aid preparation for a pandemic in a coordinated and consistent manner across all segments of society.

Let me illustrate the difference between the two and why it matters. Pay a en on to updates or recommenda ons from local, state, or federal o. Pdf download for concerns with entertainmenteducation. The centers for disease control actually put out a zombie survival guide, thereby demonstrating that some parts of the government are allowed to have a sense of humor. Taking this likelihood into account, who first developed, after consultation with hundreds of international public health experts, a global pandemic preparedness plan in. Part 1, the strategic plan outlines federal plans and preparation for public health and medical support in the event of a pandemic. Zombie apocalypse is a blog post by the united states centers for disease control and prevention cdc that uses a zombie apocalypse metaphor to raise public awareness of emergency preparedness. Last week, just in time for ny comic con, the centers for disease control went live with a graphic novel following up on their may blog post preparedness 101. Game called zombie pandemic is announced to be shut down at the end of 31st of may 2015.

Zombie pandemic demonstrates the importance of being prepared in an entertaining way that people of all ages will enjoy. Weekly pandemic flu census once pandemic flu has been confirmed as present in milwaukee county, use this form to report weekly to the franklin public health department about the number of students absent with flulike illness. The offical fan page for zombie pandemic, a free browser based mmorpg available on facebook and. Posted in at4w, psa hell a helpful guide from the center for disease control on dealing with the impending zombie apocalypse. In 2009, a new strain of influenza virus, 2009ah1n1pdm, emerged. Human resources is often the major focus of an organization during a pandemic. Examination of the impact of using a zombie pandemic. Understanding the difference between a pandemic and epidemic is absolutely necessary for consequential preparedness and response planning and action to be accomplished. Centers for disease control and prevention cdc worked with manufacturers to. Hhs pandemic influenza plan centers for disease control. Coop, fight and survive the walking dead zombie hordes in the quarantined city.

Given the popularity of the zombie theme in popular culture it is no su. Cdc has a fun way of teaching about emergency preparedness. Zombie pandemic the free browser based survival horror. Piles of decaying bodies were tossed onto carts and hauled away for incineration. Zombie apocalypse blog post went live, it was receiving more than 60,000 views an hour. Developmental documents including concepts, memos and plans for the rollout of the education campaign and graphic novellathe projects budget. Pandemic influenza preparedness, response and recovery. Screen shot of the cdc emergency preparedness and response website. The hhs pandemic influenza plan has three parts, the first two of which are contained in this document. Zombie pandemic the graphic novella, and the emergency response education program preparedness 101. Welcome to femas community preparedness webinar series.

There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Whoeurope role of who in pandemic preparedness and response. By may 19, 2011, three days after the preparedness 101. The following outlines valuable resources to obtain information relevant to pharmacists. Readers follow todd, julie, and their dog max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies.

Pandemic, which means all the people, describes an epidemic that occurs in more than one country or population simultaneously. With a health emergency and panicking over the corona virus the cdc put out this graphic novel for people to think. Zombie pandemic, started with a blog posting titled if youre ready for a zombie apocalypse, then youre ready for any emergency. Influenza is one of the most likely viruses to cause a pandemic the worldwide spread of an epidemic. Department of health and human services, centers for disease control and prevention, graphic novel, pandemic, disease, comic books, emergency management, emerging infectious diseases collection comics. Quarantine is the practice of separating people who have been exposed to an infectious agent but have not yet.

Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, tv series and more. Pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan, restricted distribution purpose of the plan this pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan is a guide on how to prepare, detect, and respond to an influenza pandemic in the state of nevada. View homework help cdcs preparedness 101 zombie pandemic from health 350 at liberty university. The most comprehensive zombie game site on the net. Zombie pandemic the free browser based survival horror mmorpg server 1 server 2 test server. A series of posters, tshirts and even a comic novella soon followed cdc, 2015. May we be always pursuing holiness and purity, so that we are found clean and pleasing to him. Cdc\u2019s preparedness 101 zombie pandemic preparedness. Be aware that from the 6th of december it is no longer possible for players to buy new premium items nor premium accounts. Only after ive completed the episode do i realize that this episode really should have been a psa hell segment. Zombie pandemic shutting down december 07, 2014 4 comments. This lesson, derived from the center for disease control and preventions tongue in cheek campaign engages students. A wealth of information on pandemic preparedness and influenza activity is readily available.

When a pandemic reaches phase 6 see phases, below this pandemic preparedness plan will be instituted. Con nue washing your hands frequently with soap and warm water, or an alcohol. The following is an excerpt of the original blog post on the cdc public health matters blog may 16th, 2011 by ali s. Smith should be commended for a detailed and careful investigation of the challenge of zombie outbreaks and their control. How to survival a pandemic a guide for communities and individuals. Zombie pandemic demonstrates the importance of being prepared for a real emergency in an entertaining way that people of all ages will enjoy. You know that kind of stuff would never really happen. Apocalypse can you survive the zombie apocalypse play zombie pandemic.

Pandemic preparedness features five segments modeled after the homeland security pandemic plan. Summary of illinois pandemic influenza preparedness program over the past two years. We wanted to share a blog post from our friends at the centers for disease control. God give us strength to endure whatever the future holds. Documents relating to the 2011 projects preparedness 101. Zombie apocalypse, the director of the cdcs office of public health preparedness and response, rear admiral ali s.

However, if it is the only focus, organizations could be illprepared for pandemicrelated challenges. Section 3 summarizes the context for pandemic preparedness actions with an overview of pandemic in. The public health team at centers for disease control and prevention cdc has published a 40page fully illustrated novel to educate on the importance of emergency preparedness. Now by that i just mean that i like to read them, you know a supply and demand thing. Written by maggie silver art direction by james archer penciled and inked by bob hobbs. Immigrant and refugee resources, a page with downloadable seasonal flu resources in 12 different languages. Free shipping get free shipping free 58 day shipping within the u. Importance of survival strategies after a zombie pandemic. Some mes there is more than one wave of illness during a pandemic.